Behind the Blog: Victoria at Addlepates and Book Nerds

Behind the BlogSay hello to Victoria from Addlepates and Book Nerds!

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I’m 16 years old, and from New Zealand. I love to read (of course), and hope to one day be an author.

How did you end up here in the world of book blogging?

I got into Goodreads first, and spent a lot of time writing up my reviews on there. And lots of people over there have blogs, so I thought, why not? They all recommended it, so I figured I’d give it a try. I didn’t expect to love it so much!

What types of books do you enjoy reading?

Almost always young adult. More specifically, historical fiction and fantasy

What do you bring to the world of book blogging? What’s unique about your perspective of books?

Oh, this is a hard one… I guess being young makes me different. A lot of adults would have different views on the books I’m reading. Plus being from New Zealand, instead of somewhere like America or Britain, where everyone else seems to be from, would give me a different view

Do you have any helpful hints about blogging?

Don’t give up! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve looked at my blog and thought “I just can’t be bothered today”. But you’ll lose followers like that. Not that I’m a very popular blogger, but that’s what I do

What type of things always grab your attention in books?

The cover is the first thing that draws my attention. Shallow, I know 😛 Then I want a witty side character (main characters will always suck). I also love books with plots that could happen to me. Like Harry Potter – he was a normal kid, who says I can’t be a witch too?

When you go to the library (or bookstore), do you bring a list of books to get or do you browse to find your next book?

I always have a list in the back of my mind, but hardly ever a physical one. When I’m at the library I get whatever grabs my attention. When I’m buying I’m more likely to have specific books in mind, so I don’t waste my money too much!

What book trends do you hope to see more of?

Hmm… I’m loving dystopian novels at the moment, but we probably have enough of those! I don’t know, I don’t really have a ‘type’ I love, I’ll pick up whatever I feel like at the time. Who knows, there might be a new trend about to happen that I’ve never read before!

What books do you constantly recommend to other people?

Harry Potter, of course, even though almost everyone has read it!
Between the Lines by Jodi Picoult
Two Brothers by Ben Elton
The Hate List by Jennifer Brown
Noughts and Crosses by Malorie Blackman
And a whole lot more, but I could go on forever 😛

Any exciting blog things happening in the future?

I’ll be doing a read-a-thon in January, does that count? Other than that, hopefully more of those popular posts, like Top Ten Tuesday and Waiting on Wednesday etc. And whatever my lovely readers want to recommend to me! 🙂

Anything else you’d like to add?

Thanks for the questions! I didn’t expect them to make me think all that much 🙂

Thanks Victoria!

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3 thoughts on “Behind the Blog: Victoria at Addlepates and Book Nerds

  1. Pingback: Monthly Round Up: January 2015 | The Cheap Reader

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