Reading Buddies: The Woman in White-First Epoch

First Epoch (you’re here), Second Epoch, Third Epoch

I’ve mentioned it before but I’m reading The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins for Reading Buddies with Erin Reads. For this installment, I’m talking about the first Epoch. There will be spoilers so stop reading now if you haven’t got this far!

I have to say I’m surprised I’m enjoying this so far. I was a bit worried because I don’t always get along too well with classics (or old books). Even though the story isn’t ‘keep you on the edge of your seat’ exciting, it is fairly suspenseful.

I really like the different point of views for the narration. It’s extremely helpful to see the story through many sets of eyes. By using different narrators, the author is filling out his characters very well. Everyone interacts with everyone else just a bit differently so the reader can see people as they truly are. I also feel like I really know all the characters.

Mr. Hartright’s ‘story’ seems to be straight forward. I like him, He seems to be a good man trying to do the right thing for everyone.

Mr. Gilmore is also very likeable. It’s sad that he’s the only man who is trying to look out for Laura’s best interest. I can see the struggle he’s having trying to help Laura and do what Mr. Fairlie wants. My heart breaks for him.

I absolutely hate Mr. Fairlie and want to punch him. UGH. He just goes on and on and on about how he’s not strong enough and how everyone is upsetting him. Could he be more whiny? I don’t really believe he’s that weak. I just suspect that he like ordering people around and hates confrontation.

Miss Halcombe is a great female character. I love that she’s feisty and trying to stick up for her sister. Laura is annoying me because she seems to have just given up and is going to accept what ever is going to happen. I want her to toughen up.

Since this is a mystery, I’m going to make some speculations about what’s going on. Sir Glyde is only after Laura’s money/estate. I don’t trust him at all. I have a feeling that he and Anne had a falling out (maybe she didn’t return his love?). He got mad and had her locked up because of her weak mental state? Something similar might happen to Laura.

Anyone else participating in Reading Buddies? What do you think of the book so far?

Reading buddies:

6 thoughts on “Reading Buddies: The Woman in White-First Epoch

  1. I, too, really like Mr. Gilmore and Miss Halcombe. I love how well Collins develops his characters and how he’s starting to layer them into the novel by giving them each a chance to speak. I find myself trying to guess who will take up the story next! Mr. Fairlie, what a creep. Ugh.

    I agree that this one reads really well. I don’t feel like I’m slogging through at all, and I’m really curious to find out where the story is headed. There are still so many pages yet that plenty is bound to happen. Glad you’re getting a chance to read this one with us!

    • I can’t wait to see what happens next. There are SO many characters narrating for the rest of the book. It should be interesting.

      I’m glad I got to read this with you guys too! This wasn’t something I’d pick up on my own.

  2. I am also impressed with the way the author presents the characters in their settings and allows us to form our own impressions on them based on their interactions with other people in the story. I am finding it difficult to put this book down and get things done at home and I wish I could have extended my lunch hour just to keep reading. I love it when a story sucks me in the way this one does.

  3. Pingback: Reading Buddies Wrap-Up: “The Woman in White” by Wilkie Collins | Erin Reads

  4. Pingback: The Woman in White (Part Two) « Ardent Reader

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