YALLFest Interview With Lauren Oliver

The lovely people over at YALLFest have graciously provided me with an interview with Lauren Oliver, author of Before I Fall and Delirium. For more YA festival goodness make sure to stop by their site!

What one thing do you need to have when you write?


What is the hardest line to write- the first or the last?

Honestly, neither. It’s just every single line in between that feels impossible.

Best writing tip you ever received?

Aim for truth and beauty will follow.

Tell us 5 random facts about yourself.

I have fourteen tattoos. I can fall asleep any time, any place. I have a phobia of worms. I hate fruit. I wrote my first novel largely on my Blackberry.

Where’s your favorite place to write?

In my sunroom in upstate New York.

What are you working on now?

Two different middle grade books and an untitled young adult novel that my agent described as “the most disturbing thing he’s ever read.” Oops!

What is your favorite genre to write in? To Read?

I love realistic books that include just a hint of fantasy.

Thank you YALLFest and Lauren! Here’s my review of Delirium.

What are your thoughts? (Comments are moderated. Yours will be up as soon as I read it!)