Introducing: Reading Outside The Box Challenge

I’ve been working on an event for the Tweens at the library for a while. The idea is pretty simple. I know kids kind of get ‘stuck’ with they’re reading. They have an idea of what they like to read and they just stick to that. There isn’t a huge problem with that other than they might be missing out on many books that they just don’t know exist. For the event, I’m getting a bunch of different books from many different genres. Everyone is going to get ~5 minutes with each book to read and look over it. Hopefully they find a new type of book to try for a while!

I then realized that I have that problem as well. I decided for the new year to branch out with my reading a bit.  That’s how the Reading Outside The Box Challenge was born. I’ve made a little chart with a bunch of different types of books to ‘sample’ on it. The challenge is open to any and everyone who would like to spice up their reading life.

reading outside the box

Please feel free to use the chart on your posts. Just link back here!

Participating is pretty easy.

  1. You have all of 2014 to read a book for each square.
  2. A book can only count for 1 square. There will be 25 books for this challenge.
  3. The books read for this project can come from other projects you’re participating in: school, review books, other challenge or events, books for fun.
  4. If you blog, keep a post/page for the challenge. Update the post/page when you read a book for the challenge with a link to your thoughts/review of the book. Make sure to state which square the book counts for!
  5. If you feel like it, write check in posts every few months. Update us on how you feel about the ‘new’ books you’re reading.
  6. I’ll keep a page here for people to add review links to. It would be nice to see how others are feeling about the challenge. Add links to your reviews here.

That’s it! Hopefully by the end of the year we will be more adventurous in our reading.

Sign up here:

*Most of the categories are pretty self explanatory. Here are the details for the ‘questionable’ ones:

  • Read a Chunkster: Read a book with 600+ pages.
  • Reading by Ear: Listen to an audiobook
  • Accidentally Watched the Movie First: You didn’t realize the movie was based on a book until after you watched it. Ideally you haven’t read the book yet.
  • Relive the Magic: Reread a book you really enjoyed as a kid but haven’t touched it since then.
  • Gathering Dust: You’ve had this book for years and you still haven’t read it.
  • Loved By Others: Other people really love this book but for whatever reason you haven’t read it yet.
  • Lost in Translation: This book was originally written in another language.
  • Second Chance: You read this book a while back and didn’t enjoy it, didn’t finish it, or were on the fence about it. Time to give it another try!

35 thoughts on “Introducing: Reading Outside The Box Challenge

  1. I have had similar thoughts a while ago, that I am kinda stuck in a box and missing lots of wonderful books outside the Fantasy genre. But you know, when you read mostly series it is difficult to find time to read something else because you know…. WHAT IF YOUR FAV CHARACTER IS DYING IN THE NEXT BOOK AND YOU READ SOMETHING ELSE… WHILE YOUR FAV CHARACTER IS DYING!!!!!111111…… XDDD
    Though in the last 2 months I have read a few books that have nothing to do with fantasy.. *being proud*
    However it is, I love idea of this challenge and I am IN!
    I only have to replace “Lost in Translation”, “Read a Chunkster” and “Graphic Novel”.
    “Lost in Translation” – the most of books I read in translation
    “Read a Chunkster” – same story, I read mostly chunksters…
    “Graphic Novels” – I don’t want to spend my free time for any graphic novel… I have read a bunch of them already and didn’t miss it so far

    • lol I can totally relate to feeling like that with series books!

      You could go a different way with translation. Maybe read a book that was originally written in French or Japanese or something like that.

      • I did it already =)
        I don’t like Asian literature because I forget Asian names nearly immediately and then I don’t get anymore who is who and what is it all about… There is some kind block in my head, lol
        I am thinking about picking up “Graf Monte Christo”. Too bad I can’t hit whit it 3 squares at once =))

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  3. Is “Naked In Death” by J.D. Robb okay for the mystery, or are we aiming for something more traditional like a Sherlock Holmes story or “Murder On The Orient Express” by Agatha Christie? A lot of times I see mystery put into the same category as suspense or thriller books, and those don’t have their own categories here, so I wasn’t sure. Thanks. 🙂

  4. Pingback: Armchair BEA Beyond the Borders - Ways to Add Diversity To Your Reading | Doing Dewey

  5. Ooh, I like this idea 🙂 I think I’ll give it a try! I read a lot of this already, but still–sounds like fun. At the end of 2014, it would be super cool if you could make “badges” which the winners could download and add to their page. 😀

    • Sabrina
      • I’m familiar with PicMonkey and some other graphics softwares, as well as how to get free graphics usable on blogs (as long as you don’t sell them). If you want, I can help design them for you. My email is booksandbark[at]gmail[dot]com, if you’d like to get in touch 🙂 If you don’t want to that’s perfectly okay, too 😀

        • Sabrina
        • If you would like to take on the project, that would be awesome! I know work will prevent me from doing much with it. :-/ I’m open to pretty much any design style. You look like you have a great eye judging by the stuff on your blog. Thank you so much for offering!

  6. Pingback: 2014 Reading Challenges | Leaf Through Books

  7. Pingback: Owl Tell You: Updates, Recaps, & Links - The Leading LibrarianThe Leading Librarian

  8. Pingback: 2014 Reading Challenges: Round 1 | Doing Dewey

What are your thoughts? (Comments are moderated. Yours will be up as soon as I read it!)