This Week (30)

Books Acquired*

Priscilla the Great: Vampire Slayer by Sybil Nelson [Freebie] I’ve loved the Pricilla books I’ve read so far so when I saw this for free I knew I needed to download it.

Broke Shell Island Episode #2 Tread Lightly by Dalya Moon [author] I love having bite-size pieces of this book to read so I was so very excited to see that Dalya sent this over. THANK YOU! 😀 I know serials aren’t for everyone but I’m having fun with it.

Reading Plans

I’m currently reading The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson. It’s going okay. I don’t know exactly what I was expecting but this wasn’t it. It’s not a bad thing per se it’s just taking some time to get used to.

I’ll probably get to Tread Lightly sometime soon. It’s a super quick read and I need to know what happens next.

I’ll easily be able to finish those 2 books so I’ll read The Witches by Roald Dahl next. It’s the last book in my box set so it will probably be the last book I’ll read for my Roald Dahl challenge. Woo! I can’t remember if I’ve read this book before though.

I didn’t get to Prince Caspian a few weeks ago like I wanted so I’ll try to read it this week.

What did you get this past week? What are you planning on reading this week?

*I’m linking up to Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Showcase Sunday hosted by Books, Biscuits, & Tea. I miss seeing all the good books people get! I’m sure my TBR list doesn’t miss it though.

4 thoughts on “This Week (30)

  1. I’ve never heard of Priscilla the Great, but there is a teen at the library where I work, and I think that might be just up her alley. I have to remember to mention it to her tomorrow.

    I LOVE Roald Dahl. I haven’t read everything by him. I have read Matilda (my fav), James and the Giant Peach, The Twits, and Fantastic Mr. Fox. I have always wanted to read The Witches, though, because I used to love to watch the movie when I was a kid. Have you seen the movie?

    Have fun with your books.

    • They’re a lot of fun if you like funny MG books with lots of action. I think the 1st book is free on Amazon at the moment if you or her want to snag it. I highly recommend it!

      I love Dahl too. I’ve been working my way through a box set of his books this year. I haven’t seen the movie. I didn’t even know there was a movie!

What are your thoughts? (Comments are moderated. Yours will be up as soon as I read it!)