Classics Retold + Children’s Classics Sign Up Post


Classics Retold  is a project hosted by me, Alyssa @ Books Take You Places, Charlene @ Bookish Whimsy, Wendy @ Excellent Library, and Brittany @ Book Addict’s Guide.

Project: Fairy Tale was a huge hit with everyone so I decided to expand and tweak it a bit. For this project we are reading a classic book and then reading or watching retellings, spin-offs, or adaptations of it!

The details:

  • September 2013 will be our month to post everything.
  • How You Participate:
    1. You will choose a classic you’d like to read.
    2. You read your classic and read or watch as many retellings, spin-offs, sequels or adaptations of the classic as you can.
    3. You will post reviews or your thoughts on your blog for each one during September.
    4. 1-4 bloggers can work on a “main” text. You can work independently or work together. You’re allowed to all read/watch the same things or split the work up.
    5. To participate in this project, you only sign up for one classic (and its adaptions).
    6. Optional: If you’d like to work on another classic (or adaptation), find the bloggers “in charge” of that text and ask to do a guest review/post.
    7. Optional: Do other posts about your classic: character analysis, where else to find the characters, the book’s influence on culture, memes, etc. It can be literally anything involving your classic.
    8. Optional: Do a sign up post after I clear your classic. It will help spread the word about the project and you’re able to bounce your ideas off of your readers. They may even give you ideas of books/movies to use for your classic!
  • For a classic to be useable for this project, it should have at least 2 adaptations, spin-offs, sequels, or retellings.

Obviously this project is going to get pretty big so we’ve split the co-hosting duties up.

It’s all one big project so you only sign up once for one book (NOT once on each blog).

Children’s Classics Sign Up

I’ve brainstormed some ideas for children’s classics for you. You’re not limited to these books though. Feel free to pitch an idea in the comments! (I’ll let you know if it’s acceptable or if it falls under another category)


If you’d still like to participate, contact any blogger participating and ask to do a guest post/review on their blog.

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie

The Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum

The Secret Garden by  Frances Hodgson Burnett

A Little Princess by  Frances Hodgson Burnett

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll- Full!

Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery

Come back in September to read everyone’s reviews and posts!

48 thoughts on “Classics Retold + Children’s Classics Sign Up Post

  1. So excited about this!!! (Sorry I never got around to you about hosting. School has been kicking my butt!) Can I do Alice in Wonderland? I’ve been itching to read some of the retellings!

  2. You seriously come up with the best event ideas! I debated participating in the Retell Me a Story challenge but decided it would be too time-consuming, so this is perfect! I’ll have to spend a bit of time thinking about the perfect classic to pick, but I definitely plan on participating! 🙂

  3. Pingback: With Bated Breath: Classics Retold | Bunbury in the Stacks With Bated Breath: Classics Retold | One has the right to Bunbury anywhere one chooses. Every serious Bunburyist knows that. ~ Oscar Wilde

  4. Reblogged this on Ink & Paper World and commented:
    Just found this very neat collaborative book project! You choose one classic book (pick from Ancient to Renaissance Lit Classics,
    Mythology Classics, 19th Century and Gothic Classics, Children’s Classics, or American & Misc. Classics), read that book and sequels and retellings, watch film or television adaptations, and post your thoughts on it all through September 2013. It looks really fun, there are still a lot of awesome books available, and I will be signing up – once I can decide on a book! Any suggestions?

  5. Pingback: Classics Retold | The Polished Page-Turner

  6. Hi, I literally just made a blog to do this because it looks like a lot of fun! Is it okay for me to do Peter Pan? 🙂 (My blog is called Alex in Wonderland, but it’s just because I like the play on names.)

  7. Pingback: Classics Retold: Norse Mythology | wrapped up in books

    • You only sign up for one book.

      If you want to do more work, talk to the bloggers reading the classic you’re interested in and see if you can do a guest post/review for them.

  8. This came along at the perfect time for me; I’ve trying to make myself read a classic for months now! I’m going with Little Women, because I read the Great Illustrated Classics version when I was little and have wanted to read the full one ever since!

    • I think I’ve decided to change my mind on this. Maybe, I’ll still use it, but I need more time to think and find retellings to read/watch that seem interesting enough.

      • That’s fine! You have a lot of classics to choose from. Make sure to take a look at some of the books my co-hosts have suggested on their blogs as well. 🙂

  9. It was so hard to make a decision! I’d like to do Alice in Wonderland if it’s not already full. 🙂
    There are just so many great looking retellings for it!

  10. Ahoy there, matey! Okay. Maybe that was a “little” bit corny, but who doesn’t love pirates? I have a burning desire to participate in the Classics Retold Project (or maybe it’s just scurvy and rickets setting in) by examining Robert Louis Stevenson’s “Treasure Island”. There’s a vast sea of choices in regard to spin-offs, retellings, versions, etc. and I’m hoping you’ll agree it would dovetail nicely into this event. Let me know what you think!

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